Matt Stokes

Engineer + Designer + Developer
Hey, I'm Matt, I am a 19 year old builder with
a passion for purpose-driven deep-tech development.
I am currently in explore mode; my main areas of
research are problem-focused robotics and biotech.
Medium link
Linkedin Link link (prev. Twitter)
vsco (photography)

Projects (6)

Serial-Parallelized Bipedal Research Platform

Working on cost-effective, well designed hardware for the open-source community.

Rotary CNC Mill

An automated Lathe, designed to incorporate lego-technics electrical components with largely 3d printed mechanical components.

3D Myoelectric Prosthetics

Designing and building myoelectric prosthetics

Patch: 3D Printed Transdermal Microneedle Patches

Taking a novel approach to AMR bacterial infection treatment through the use of self-administrating medicinal drug patches.

Foodle: Decentralized Solution to Urban Food Insecurity

Blockchain-based social app for food sharing and redistribution in urban communities.

Mini-Whoop FPV Drone

Weekend design sprint.


Medicinal Drug Administration Review


Exploring Transdermal Patches and their Effectiveness...


Intro To Blockchain Development with React.js...


Introduction to the Smart Contract Mechanism


Hash Functions: Introduction and Use Cases
